about me

Ed Doherty

Ed heads up Ambrose Landen Consulting and works with a variety of organizations on strategic planning, leadership development and employee engagement.

Prior to launching his company, he held leadership positions in a variety of national business and non-profit organizations and in each role, he has focused on the creation of mentoring and formal personal development programs.  He was the Chief Human Resource Officer of an 11,000-employee company in Memphis Tennessee, the President of a $22 M restaurant company in Ohio, and a Regional Vice-president for a national company based in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

He is a graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and volunteers with his fraternity’s alumni association, and as a board member for Tomorrow’s Women Today, a mentoring organization for aspiring leaders.

He has been delivering training in time management and Outlook for many years. He is optimistic and believes that nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. For evidence he cites the fact that he ran his first marathon at the age of 70 and published his first book at the age of 72.

Ed Doherty Headshot 4x5
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